Text Generation (Generative Texr) is a very interesting field of study. There are a number of different packages that help generate the lists of words to give the user a better understanding of the technology.

The following Node library gives a structure which is used to generate random words that are assigned to lexical structure that is defined by the user.

    centar : {
        animal : ["wolf","bear","tiger","lion","snake","anteater"],
        fruit : ["banana","tomato","cherry","strawberry","starfruit"],
        said : ["purring", "whispering", "saying", "murmurring", "growling"],
        timeofday : ["morning","evening","dusk","dawn","afternoon","breakfast","breakfast"],
        lastSyl : "a ia ea u y en am is on an o io i el ios ax ox ix ex izz ius ian ean ekang anth".split(" "),
        vipTitle : ["Dr.", "Professor", "Lord", "Sir", "Captain", "His Majesty"],

        response : ["#animal# love #fruit##lastSyl#", "#animal# #said# at #timeofday#", "#lastSyl##lastSyl#"],
        "origin" : "<h3>#vipTitle# Watson, let me tell you of a #response#</h3>"

The following API

Wordmuse API

The following API can be used to generate related words that are pulled to create lexical randomness with less randomly features.