Rocket Propulsion

library(tidyverse) Accelerating force $$ F=mv_e $$ thrust of the rocket is expressed in terms of the *mass flow rate * m and the efficient exhaust velocity \(v_e\) $$ V = V_e\log_e\frac{M_0}{M} $$ $M_0$ - mass of the rocket at ignition $M$ - Current mass of the rocket mass ratio $$ R = \frac{M_0}{M} $$ AcceleratedForce <- function(m,v.e) { m*v.e } RocketEquation <- function(mass.ratio, exhaust.velocity) { exhaust.velocity*log(mass.ratio, base = exp(1)) } RocketEquationGraph <- data....

June 5, 2017 · 3 min · 639 words · Chris